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I can help you write an article about the borders of m and n in m-of-n-multisig addresses. Here is a Draft:

Ethereum: Understanding the Boundaries of Multisig Addresses

In Ethereum, The Creation of a Multi -Size Address, a Crucial Step to Achieve Decentralization and Security for Your Intelligent Contracts is. A Multinig Address is a Combination of Two or More Addresses in which at Least one of them must be signed by a Member of a Group (M-of-N). The Number of Parts in A Multisig Address Can Restrict The Flexibility of Users, Developers and the Entire Ethereum Ecosystem.

The 3-of-3 Limit

One of the Most Important Restrications on Multi -ig Addresses is the Inherent 3-Von-3 Limit. Accordance to the Ethereum Specification, Every New Multi -Size Address Preparation Method must adhere to this rule. This mean that only three parts can be used in a multi -size address: two signatories and a holder.

The M and N -Restricts

Ethereum: What are the limits of m and n in m-of-n multisig addresses?

Althegh the Number of Parts (M) Does not give an explicit restriction in a multisig address, The Standard method described Above Does Not Allow More Than 3 Parts. However, IT is important to note that the specification Guarantees this rule only for the creation of new multi -Size addresses. Existing multi -digit contracts and wallets are likely to use thesis limits.

Why are there no more than 3 parts?

The Reason Why We Limit is for historical reasons and the design Philosophy Behind Ethereum. Before Version 1.0 There Were Conerns about the potential of M-of-N-Multi-Vigal Attacks (More on this later). In order to mitigate thesis risks, the core team decided to impose a tough limitation of 3 parts in new methods for creating multi -size addresses.

M-N-N Attacks

Before the publication of 1.0, some developers tried to use the boundaries of m-of-n multi -ig contracts by creating more than three parts. Due to the inherent Security of these contracts, Such Experiments Were Largely Unsuccessful. The 3-Von 3 Limit is A Direct Result of these Efforts.


In Summary, it can be said that the number of parts in a multi -Size address does not give an explicit restriction, but the standard method described above does not allow more than three parts. This 3-Von 3 Limit Has Been Part of Ethereum’s Design Philosophy Since its Foundation and Remains Accordance to Version 1.0. Since Developers and Users Continue to Examine Ethereum’s Skills, We Can Expect This Restriction to Be Treated by Updates Or Extensions.

Future Developments

Altheghie there is no explicit plan to increase the number of parts in M-of-N-Multi-Vigal Addresses, Ongoing Research and Development Efforts Can Lead to New Improvements OR Extensions. The Ethereum Community Remains Open to Suggestions from Developers and Users Who Can Ultimately Lead to New Functions and Flexibility for The Creation of Multi Digit Addresses.

I Hope this Draft meets Your Requirements!


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